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Manual CurseForge server packs


This mod platform type is deprecated. Please use AUTO_CURSEFORGE for new deployments.

Enable this server mode by setting MOD_PLATFORM or TYPE to "CURSEFORGE" along with the following specific variables.

You need to specify a modpack to run, using the CF_SERVER_MOD environment variable. A CurseForge server modpack is available together with its respective client modpack at .

Now you can add a -e to your command-line.

docker run -d -v /path/on/host:/data -e TYPE=CURSEFORGE \
    -e \
    -p 25565:25565 -e EULA=TRUE --name mc itzg/minecraft-server

If you want to keep the pre-download modpacks separate from your data directory, then you can attach another volume at a path of your choosing and reference that. The following example uses /modpacks as the container path as the pre-download area:

docker run -d -v /path/on/host:/data -v /path/to/modpacks:/modpacks \
    -e CF_SERVER_MOD=/modpacks/ \
    -p 25565:25565 -e EULA=TRUE --name mc itzg/minecraft-server

Modpack data directory

By default, CurseForge modpacks are expanded into the sub-directory /data/FeedTheBeast and executed from there. (The default location was chosen for legacy reasons, when Curse and FTB were maintained together.)

The directory can be changed by setting CF_BASE_DIR, such as -e CF_BASE_DIR=/data.

Buggy start scripts

Some modpacks have buggy or overly complex start scripts. You can avoid using the bundled start script and use this image's standard server-starting logic by adding -e USE_MODPACK_START_SCRIPT=false.

Fixing "unable to launch forgemodloader"

If your server's modpack fails to load with an error like this:

unable to launch forgemodloader

then you apply a workaround by adding this to the run invocation: