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Feed the Beast


Requires one of the Ubuntu with Hotspot images listed in the Java versions section.

Feed the Beast application modpacks are supported by setting MOD_PLATFORM or TYPE to "FTBA"


The "A" at the end of "FTBA" is important. The value "FTB" used to be an alias for "CURSEFORGE".

This mod platform type will automatically take care of downloading and installing the modpack and appropriate version of Forge, so the VERSION does not need to be specified.

Environment Variables:

  • FTB_MODPACK_ID: required, the numerical ID of the modpack to install. The ID can be located by finding the modpack and locating the ID in this part of the URL:
- FTB_MODPACK_VERSION_ID: optional, the numerical ID of the version to install. If not specified, the latest version will be installed. The "Version ID" can be obtained by hovering over a server file entry and grabbing this ID in the URL.

  • FTB_FORCE_REINSTALL: if the files become inconsistent, such as when accidentally removing them, the FTB can be forced to re-run by setting this to "true"


If a specific FTB_MODPACK_VERSION_ID was not specified, simply restart the container to pick up the newest modpack version. If using a specific version ID, recreate the container with the new version ID.


The following example runs the latest version of FTB Presents Direwolf20 1.12:

docker run -d --name mc-ftb -e EULA=TRUE \
  -p 25565:25565 \


Normally you will also add -v volume for /data since the mods and config are installed there along with world data.